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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowy Late Night Post (Lift Day 2, throwing, vertamax, versa)

As the snow continues to fall on this winter night I sit here with some new footage from today's workouts ready to post. We got up to the Brook around 1just like everyday, in order to get our throwing and drills in before any workouts (which would get us tired and form bad habits). I threw a prolonged flatground working in and out with all my pitches and this gave Steve the opportunity to gear up and work on his receiving as a catcher. Post throwing we got ready and hit up the weight room for lift day 2, some vertimax and conditioning. I am posting a few videos one of most of our lift from the day, second is a vertimax/versaclimber video, and the last two videos are just some of my flatground and Steve catching.

After vertimax I ran my timed mile, and brown instead did the versa climber for conditioning. We plan on headed up there on our regular schedule tomorrow but as this snow storm hits we will see how that affects us getting there or the place being open. Ill keep posted on what happens and some new footage soon.

Power Song of the day: B.O.B.- Beast Mode

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