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Friday, February 4, 2011

Player Profile: Tony Goebel

Player Profile of the Day:

Tony Goebel #28

Bio: Tony is a 6'4" 225lb JR pitcher from Woodland Hills, CA. He attended Crespi Carmelite H.S., Valley college and here at Stony Brook he studies Sociology. He played varsity baseball for three years while in high school, receiving an honorable mention to the All-Mission League as a junior and was honor rolled all four years. He also played at Los Angeles Valley JC for the past two season for head coach Dave Mallas.
**Tony will see time out of the bull pen this coming season. His fall was a good showing of what he can bring to the table for the spring. Mixes pitches well and could be an asset moving forward towards a second straight championship and on through the NCAA Tournament.

Looking at his experiences at a previous school and what he has heard of our program, Tony took time to express his expectations:

Looking back at the 2010 season what can you say defined your year personally as well as a team?
  "Well last year I was Los Angeles Valley College. We had started the season 0-10 and were 1-15 in non conference. We got really hot in league and ended up winning our conference with a 14-7 record. My freshman year we finished in last place. Against all odds we went from worst to first."

What did you do this off season to help better yourself for the coming year?

  "I tried to continue to stay consistant with my pitching and mechanics in the off season. Another important thing was keeping the body healthy by working out in the weight room."

Who do you try to emulate with your game?and why?

  "Matt Cain of the San Francisco Giants. He is very consistant and level headed."

Do you have any rituals or superstitions?
  "If the team is hot I will eat the same meal before the game and listen to the same songs on my Ipod. Besides that I try to not get overly superstitious and control the things I can control."

If you had to advise a younger player or teammate looking to play at a higher level, what would be the most important thing you would tell them?
  "Never give up or let somebody say your not good enough. If you feel you can play at a higher lever explore all options. Also keep learning the games."

What are your goals for this coming season?

I hope that the team wins as many games as possible. Hopefully we will put ourselves in a good situation to win conference. I also want to play into the summer.

What did you take from 2010 do you think will help achieve these goals in 2011?
  "During 2010 I learned a lot of my style of play. I got more in tune with my body. I hope to continue to expand my knowledge of the game and how to improve."

What type of non physical prep do you do to get yourself prepared for playing?
  "I put away time everyday to put in visualisation. It is important to visualize success. I visualize myself getting batters out and how my ball will move. In game I will do the same. Before I throw a pitch I will visualize what I want to do with it and what the outcome will be."

When your not playing or training what do you do to get away if you have to?

  "Movies, video games, the beach and hanging out with friends."

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